Friday, June 3, 2016

Ben Higgins Running For Colorado House Of Representatives?
Ben Higgins running for the Colorado House of Representatives? The former “Bachelor” is exploring a possible bid in Denver for a seat in the state legislature. The handsome 28-year-old Republican has even set up a website,, which notes he wants to “make a positive impact on his local community.”

Higgins, who gave Lauren B. (Bushnell) the final rose in last season’s “Bachelor,” has also been consulting with local politicians about running against the incumbent, Democrat Dan Pabon. Rep. Pabon’s political future came to a screeching halt in March when he was arrested in Denver on St. Patrick’s Day for suspicion of driving under the influence. The politician, who failed a field sobriety test, ironically sponsored a drunk driving bill that has those convicted of the crime appearing before a victim impact panel.

While Republicans in the 4th District already drafted a man named Willie Pinkston to oppose Rep. Pabon, the local businessman said he would drop out of the race to make way for Higgins to run. Pinkston told The Colorado Independent that he fully supports Higgins, who he believes will benefit from his “name recognition.” Higgins, who is involved in various charities, said in a statement, “Whatever lies ahead, love, grace, and hope are ideals that guide my life. I will take them with me into my next adventure.”
RELATED:  Ben Higgins and Fiancee Lauren Bushnell 'Will Get Married Very Soon'

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